Implementation of Union Customs Code systems (UCC) and Multiannual Strategic Plan (MASP) (IIS code 5030297)

Operational Program: Competitiveness Entrepreneurship Innovation
Budget: 4.861.792€
Description: The object of the project is the implementation of the information systems provided for by the Union Customs Code (UCC) 952/2016 (Regulation 2446/2015, Regulation 2447/2015, Regulation 341/2016) and the Multiannual Strategic Plan (MASP) of the Directorate General for Taxation and Customs (TAXUD) of the European Commission.
The UCC is the new Customs Code of the EU and has been in force since 1/5/2016. These systems will be implemented within the framework of the Integrated Information system for Customs ICISnet.
Through the project 12 already existing systems of ICISnet will be modified, 6 new will be added and 4 subsystems will be adapted / transcribed.
The ICISnet was designed in 2007 and was put in productive operation gradually from 2010 to 2013 based on the previous Customs Code and the technological possibilities of the time. Both the development of legislation and the changes in market needs and the technological developments lead to the need for significant modifications in the operability of the system with more automatizations of processes and ensuring high availability and continuity in the system.
Purposes: Through the Act, already existing ICISnet systems will be modified, while new ones will be added. The specifications of the systems are established by the European Commission and the Member States are obliged to apply them during the implementation of information systems.
Expected benefits: the minimum expected measurable results of the act are the following:
- Effective protection of legal trade and competitiveness
- Promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation
- Less costly and bureaucratic pre-Customs and Customs processes
- Limiting the cost and time for the completion of an import / export
- Saving human and financial resources
- Targeted and more effective checks against illegal trade
- Better coordination and cooperation of the jointly responsible departments for the check
- More effective collection of public revenue
- Uniqueness and validity of the information received by Public Authorities
- Effective processing and dissemination of information submitted only once to the Public Authorities involved
- Improvement of statistics
- Transparency in transactions with the organizations involved
- Customs employees (approximately 2.100 persons)
- External ICISnet users 20.000 natural / legal persons carrying out 200.000 transactions of average annually.